Letter to Sen. Dibble Grossly Misinformed Ban Sponser
PHONE: 612-384-4374 FAX: 651-458-5649
January 4, 2005
State Senator - District 60, Minneapolis
State Capitol, Room 111B
75 Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155
651-296-4191, fax: 651-296-6511
Dear Senator Dibble:
The following letter to Barbara Gottstein has lately come to my attention. My response to this letter is a follows:
In that you are the chief author of this ban proposal and from the comments you have written, I am certain your research centered prominently on information and reports from the American Lung Association, National Cancer Society, American Heart Association, Stanton Glantz, James Repace, World Health Organization, and the E.P.A. Any information from this group would provide excellent reasons for promoting a smoking ban if you are willing to accept the half-truths, misinformation, lies, junk science, fallacious computer generated reports, and the promotion of a concept that is meant generate huge profits for the “legal” drug cartels that are funding smoking ban legislation.
Clearly, you have not bothered to research the W.H.O. report that stated there was no significant relationship of Second Hand Smoke to any health concern. This study, the second largest ever done, also stated that adult children from homes where both parents smoked had a 22% better chance of NOT, I repeat NOT, getting lung cancer than adult children who came from non smoking families. Evidently you have also chosen to ignore the fact that O.S.H.A. refuses to enact any regulation concerning smoking or SHS because their studies showed no measurable harm from either of these issues.
It is equally obvious you have not studied the anecdotal evidence showing the egregious harm done to businesses, preferring instead to accept computer generated surveys that were deliberately biased to produce results showing no harm to businesses. Not only did they mix apples and oranges to get these results, they absolutely pureed them. There is also anecdotal evidence showing rapes, beatings, robberies, and murders that can be laid directly at the feet of smoking bans that have already been passed.
Most importantly, you have not bothered to consult our United States Constitution for had you done so, you would realize that banning the use of any legal product on private property is patently unconstitutional. In the words of Ayn Rand, “Without property rights, no other rights are possible.” It must be understood that public access to private property does not make that property public.
You state that, “By banning smoking from bars and restaurants, every Minnesotan will have equal access and the guaranteed freedom to enjoy any establishment without having to jeopardize their health. It will also protect the health of the employees working in these businesses who are the most at risk to second hand smoke.” You further state, “There is also a long term economic benefit in regards to health care costs, as less people will be exposed to second hand smoke which can lead to many medical complications later in life.” Quite honestly, Senator Dibble, all this is nothing more than sophomoric sophistry, predicated on absolutely no reputable medical evidence. About the only thing you left out is that we need to support this ban for the sake of our children.
This ban you are proposing is nothing new. It was done with great success during the Third Reich of the Nazi Party. In fact, the language and many of the tactics used by the Nazis are EXACTLY the same as are being used today. This is also a well documented fact. I would urge you to visit the website, www.forces.org to get the full picture concerning this issue. You might also like to visit the catoinstitute.com to gain a better understanding of how such bans tear at the very fabric of our freedoms and democracy.
Robert Hayes Halfpenny
Listed below are some quotes you might like to also consider:
“Revenues are down 25%. Members believe this is a result of smokers shortening their stay in restaurants. Restaurant bars--the profit makers--have been hardest hit. Some have been absolutely devastated. Restaurants have reported losses ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands [of dollars].”
(The Texas Comptroller’s Office said the second quarter of 2003, the first three months of the smoking ban restaurants selling alcohol reported the lowest revenue in recent years)
Tracy Evers, Greater Dallas Restaurant Association, Executive Director
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated: but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
C.S. Lewis
The truth is usually pretty simple. It is lies that require webs of falsehood, propaganda, phony polls, and tortured statistics. Nietzsche once said that to differentiate truth from falsehood a good nose is required, because falsehood leaves a very bad smell.
The Philosopher Nietzsche:
"A people who will sacrifice freedom for safety are worthy of neither."
Benjamin Franklin
“First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.”
Pastor Niemoeller Revised for the 21st Century
“First they came for the smokers, but I was not a smoker so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Drinkers and the French fry lovers, but I was neither, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the people with “A Sweet Tooth”, but I did not have a sweet tooth so I did not speak out. And, when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.”
Pastor Niemoeller to (1892-1984)
"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people."
As Rabbi Daniel Lapin has noted, Hitler believed “that as long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation…. In the name of the children, incursions into the private lives of American citizens have been made that (the) Nazis would have gazed at with open mouthed admiration.” Does “we have to do it for the children”, sound familiar?
Adolph Hitler from Mein Kampf
Exposures to environmental tobacco smoke may be lower than earlier studies indicated for bartenders, waiters and waitresses. The threat of secondhand smoke has been greatly exaggerated. Claims that SHS cause as many as 65,000 early deaths in the US each year have been widely debunked as junk science. All studies failed to find second hand smoke to be a significant health risk.
Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2-02
The EPA disregarded information and made findings on selective information…did not disseminate significant epidemiologic information; deviated from its Risk Assessment Guidelines; failed to disclose important findings and reasoning and left significant questions without answers.
US District Court ruling against the EPA
Tell a lie long enough and it will become the new truth.
Dr. Joseph
Dear Barbara,
Thank you for sharing your concerns about the proposal to ensure clean indoor air for everyone. As the chief author of the bill I have spent a lot of time examining the pros and cons of this legislation. Through careful consideration I have come to the belief that a smoking ban will be a good thing for the health of Minnesotans, as well as for Minnesota's economy.
By banning smoking from bars and restaurants, every Minnesotan will have equal access and the guaranteed freedom to enjoy any establishment without having to jeopardize their health. It will also protect the health of the employees working in these businesses who are the most at risk to second hand smoke.
The gloomy forecasts of those who believe a smoking ban will carry a negative economic effect are incorrect. Similar bands in New York and California have not produced a decrease in the businesses of bars and restaurants. It has been the case that some bars and restaurants have experienced increased business as the smoke free environment creates a more inviting atmosphere to health conscious customers who have stayed away.
There is also a long term economic benefit in regards to health care costs, as less people will be exposed to second hand smoke which can lead to many medical complications later in life.
I again thank you for sharing your views and I hope that I was able to answer your question.
PHONE: 612-384-4374 FAX: 651-458-5649
January 4, 2005
State Senator - District 60, Minneapolis
State Capitol, Room 111B
75 Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155
651-296-4191, fax: 651-296-6511
Dear Senator Dibble:
The following letter to Barbara Gottstein has lately come to my attention. My response to this letter is a follows:
In that you are the chief author of this ban proposal and from the comments you have written, I am certain your research centered prominently on information and reports from the American Lung Association, National Cancer Society, American Heart Association, Stanton Glantz, James Repace, World Health Organization, and the E.P.A. Any information from this group would provide excellent reasons for promoting a smoking ban if you are willing to accept the half-truths, misinformation, lies, junk science, fallacious computer generated reports, and the promotion of a concept that is meant generate huge profits for the “legal” drug cartels that are funding smoking ban legislation.
Clearly, you have not bothered to research the W.H.O. report that stated there was no significant relationship of Second Hand Smoke to any health concern. This study, the second largest ever done, also stated that adult children from homes where both parents smoked had a 22% better chance of NOT, I repeat NOT, getting lung cancer than adult children who came from non smoking families. Evidently you have also chosen to ignore the fact that O.S.H.A. refuses to enact any regulation concerning smoking or SHS because their studies showed no measurable harm from either of these issues.
It is equally obvious you have not studied the anecdotal evidence showing the egregious harm done to businesses, preferring instead to accept computer generated surveys that were deliberately biased to produce results showing no harm to businesses. Not only did they mix apples and oranges to get these results, they absolutely pureed them. There is also anecdotal evidence showing rapes, beatings, robberies, and murders that can be laid directly at the feet of smoking bans that have already been passed.
Most importantly, you have not bothered to consult our United States Constitution for had you done so, you would realize that banning the use of any legal product on private property is patently unconstitutional. In the words of Ayn Rand, “Without property rights, no other rights are possible.” It must be understood that public access to private property does not make that property public.
You state that, “By banning smoking from bars and restaurants, every Minnesotan will have equal access and the guaranteed freedom to enjoy any establishment without having to jeopardize their health. It will also protect the health of the employees working in these businesses who are the most at risk to second hand smoke.” You further state, “There is also a long term economic benefit in regards to health care costs, as less people will be exposed to second hand smoke which can lead to many medical complications later in life.” Quite honestly, Senator Dibble, all this is nothing more than sophomoric sophistry, predicated on absolutely no reputable medical evidence. About the only thing you left out is that we need to support this ban for the sake of our children.
This ban you are proposing is nothing new. It was done with great success during the Third Reich of the Nazi Party. In fact, the language and many of the tactics used by the Nazis are EXACTLY the same as are being used today. This is also a well documented fact. I would urge you to visit the website, www.forces.org to get the full picture concerning this issue. You might also like to visit the catoinstitute.com to gain a better understanding of how such bans tear at the very fabric of our freedoms and democracy.
Robert Hayes Halfpenny
Listed below are some quotes you might like to also consider:
“Revenues are down 25%. Members believe this is a result of smokers shortening their stay in restaurants. Restaurant bars--the profit makers--have been hardest hit. Some have been absolutely devastated. Restaurants have reported losses ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands [of dollars].”
(The Texas Comptroller’s Office said the second quarter of 2003, the first three months of the smoking ban restaurants selling alcohol reported the lowest revenue in recent years)
Tracy Evers, Greater Dallas Restaurant Association, Executive Director
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated: but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
C.S. Lewis
The truth is usually pretty simple. It is lies that require webs of falsehood, propaganda, phony polls, and tortured statistics. Nietzsche once said that to differentiate truth from falsehood a good nose is required, because falsehood leaves a very bad smell.
The Philosopher Nietzsche:
"A people who will sacrifice freedom for safety are worthy of neither."
Benjamin Franklin
“First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.”
Pastor Niemoeller Revised for the 21st Century
“First they came for the smokers, but I was not a smoker so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Drinkers and the French fry lovers, but I was neither, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the people with “A Sweet Tooth”, but I did not have a sweet tooth so I did not speak out. And, when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.”
Pastor Niemoeller to (1892-1984)
"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people."
As Rabbi Daniel Lapin has noted, Hitler believed “that as long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation…. In the name of the children, incursions into the private lives of American citizens have been made that (the) Nazis would have gazed at with open mouthed admiration.” Does “we have to do it for the children”, sound familiar?
Adolph Hitler from Mein Kampf
Exposures to environmental tobacco smoke may be lower than earlier studies indicated for bartenders, waiters and waitresses. The threat of secondhand smoke has been greatly exaggerated. Claims that SHS cause as many as 65,000 early deaths in the US each year have been widely debunked as junk science. All studies failed to find second hand smoke to be a significant health risk.
Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2-02
The EPA disregarded information and made findings on selective information…did not disseminate significant epidemiologic information; deviated from its Risk Assessment Guidelines; failed to disclose important findings and reasoning and left significant questions without answers.
US District Court ruling against the EPA
Tell a lie long enough and it will become the new truth.
Dr. Joseph
Dear Barbara,
Thank you for sharing your concerns about the proposal to ensure clean indoor air for everyone. As the chief author of the bill I have spent a lot of time examining the pros and cons of this legislation. Through careful consideration I have come to the belief that a smoking ban will be a good thing for the health of Minnesotans, as well as for Minnesota's economy.
By banning smoking from bars and restaurants, every Minnesotan will have equal access and the guaranteed freedom to enjoy any establishment without having to jeopardize their health. It will also protect the health of the employees working in these businesses who are the most at risk to second hand smoke.
The gloomy forecasts of those who believe a smoking ban will carry a negative economic effect are incorrect. Similar bands in New York and California have not produced a decrease in the businesses of bars and restaurants. It has been the case that some bars and restaurants have experienced increased business as the smoke free environment creates a more inviting atmosphere to health conscious customers who have stayed away.
There is also a long term economic benefit in regards to health care costs, as less people will be exposed to second hand smoke which can lead to many medical complications later in life.
I again thank you for sharing your views and I hope that I was able to answer your question.
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