Stop Smoking Bans Now!

A site of commentaries and letters meant to expose the lies and deceits of members of the anti-smoke hater Nazi groups.

Monday, July 26, 2004

How to Fight the Smoking Ban in Minnesota


(I know this may be a little long but it concerns something far more important than just the issue of Smokers' Rights. It is about our Property Rights and our individual freedom of choice. If you like it, please pass it on to other of your friends and even to your political representatives. If you are a political representative please take heed. Our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights were created by the greatest minds of the 18th century---they should not be destroyed by the little minds of the 21st century.)

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated: but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." C.S. Lewis

Get the true facts out about second hand smoke!!

The EPA claimed that 53000 people died every year from SHS. This number was made up by them OUT OF THIN AIR before they ever ran their Meta survey. Their survey indicated that only 3000 people might have been affected by SHS but there was no absolute proof. They published this figure anyway. When they were ultimately sued for publishing false information which hurt the LEGAL activities of the tobacco industry, a Federal court ruled they were guilty of publishing false and misleading information.

The World Health Organization (WHO) ran one of the largest surveys ever done on second hand smoke. They attempted to hide their results when they found out that SHS had virtually no measurable ill effects on anyone. One fact they did discover was that adult children from families where both parents smoked had a 28% better chance of NOT GETTING LUNG CANCER than did adult children who came from non-smoking homes.

There are three groups of people in our society. They are Smokers, Non-Smokers, and Anti-smokers. Anti-Smokers ARE a very small but vocal and well funded group of malcontents who feel it is their God given right to control the legal activities of others for no reason other than they dislike the smell of smoke. This funding comes in large part from the Robert Wood Johnson Trust which derives its millions of dollars from stock in the Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical Corporation. It is interesting to note that Johnson and Johnson is the maker of Nicorette and other stop smoking products. (which by the way DON”T work).

The ORGAN ORGANIZATIONS i.e. heart, lung, liver, cancer etc. hereafter known as the OO’s, petitioned the state of Washington to not invoke a state wide ban. The reason why, is that were such a ban to be put in place, the OO’s job would be done AND the lavish Federal Funding they currently receive WOULD BE CUT!! This utter lack of integrity and immorality on the part of the OO’s is unconscionable!!! Their position in the State of Minnesota will be the same should someone propose such a ban.

If you question the above statements you can find the documentation and references at By all means verify these facts for yourself and get a lot more information as well. Your blood will really boil at the infamies being perpetrated on the American Public and not just about the smoking issue.

What You the Smoker Can Do!

There are many things you can do to fight this ban. To start with, write to the City Councils in St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Bloomington to let them know your displeasure of their actions. Also, let them know that you WILL oppose their reelection, irrespective of their party affiliation.
Ask your friends both smoking and non-smoking to do the same. Remember there is far more at stake here than just the issue of smoking. Our Constitutional Rights and Freedoms are being assaulted. You should also contact your state legislative representative as to you feelings as well.

STOP buying your cigarettes in those cities that are imposing the ban and start doing it now, even before the ban goes into effect!!! Stop buying cigarettes in Minnesota if at all possible. Those of you who live near casinos can get them there. Those of you who live near bordering states can get them there. And, those of you who have a computer can go on line and buy them there. I have seen some brands going as low as $8.99 a carton plus $1.50 shipping fee. I have smoked some of those brands and they are pretty decent. Just think if you buy two cartons a week at a typical price of $26.97 per carton including tax, or $53.94 for two, by buying on line, two cartons will cost you only 20.98 including shipping. Every week you would save $32.96 or $1713.92 over a year’s time. Most import it would be money you could fritter away as you choose as opposed to the state frittering it away for you.

Above all, support the restaurants and bars that allow you to smoke. Let them know that you are on their side. At this point in time you should probably let non-smoking restaurants that you may frequent know that until this issue is resolved you have to support the restaurants and bars where smoking is allowed.

Remember too, you do have a certain sphere of influence---use it. All this really means is that you guide your friends and relations to those places that have smoking and non-smoking sections.

Don’t Don’t Don’t make charitable contributions to any of the OO’s or any other organization that supports smoking bans. All you are really doing is giving them money to further their anti-smoking campaign against you. Having less money would in effect make it necessary for them to donate all their funds to finding cures of the illnesses they historically have been trying to conquer.

Start demanding that the state legislatures cancel the outrageous settlements imposed on big tobacco. The settlement has amounted to nothing more that Grand Larceny perpetrated not against the tobacco companies, but against we the smokers. This money has gone to line the pockets of attorneys who are so bereft of any sense of integrity and lack any concept of a moral compass that they should be disbarred. It has also been squandered by such organizations as MPAAT who completely misused the funds. Worst of all, this money has been used to balance state government budgets with the expectation the smokers will bare additional budget deficits through higher cigarette taxes.

What the Bar and Restaurant Owners can do!

Certainly those people hardest hit will be you owners. In every city and state in the USA and in every European country there are countless stories of restaurants and bars (hereafter known as R&B’s) that have suffered insurmountable losses of business. Contrary to the pontificating of the anti-smoke Nazis, R&B’s are indeed losing significant sums of business, employees are being laid off in ever increasing numbers, and these laws are becoming increasingly Draconian in their nature. There is little you can do if you stand alone, BUT, if you join hands with your fellow restaurateurs, you can become a formidable force to be reckoned with. Whether you do this by city or the three cities (St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Bloomington) join hands is up to you I personally think the three cities would carry significantly more clout. There is a simple three pronged attack you can make against the OO’s, City Councils and against the State Legislature.

Let it be known that the OO’s will receive no further donations of food, cash, or services as long as they openly or privately support these smoking bans or put out false information concerning second hand smoke. Remember their activities are reducing your revenues---why in God’s name would you even want to support an organization (no matter how good their main purpose might be) that is taking the bread out of your mouths.

Defy the ban if and wherever possible. In other words become a private club, provide your patrons with non-tobacco cigarettes to smoke. Inform your patrons of the law and have them sign papers to the effect that you did. If they then choose to smoke, you have done your job of informing them. The state can not expect you to act in the roll of a policeman, so let the police handle the legal issues. Become a non-profit organization and claim special status. Be as much of a “fly in the ointment” as you can possibly be to the various city and state governments.

GO ON STRIKE!!! Basically these bans in Minnesota won’t go into effect until March of 2005. That being the case, all of you restaurateurs and bar owners will have several months to get ready for this joint effort. It will really be in the best interests for both smoking and non-smoking establishments to work together. When the government understands that you will not allow your businesses be ruined by these egregiously unfair laws, when they realize the taxes your businesses generate for the public weal is a truly significant sum of money, and when they realize the significant number of jobs you provide to individuals who might otherwise be on unemployment, or public assistance, or any other welfare program, they may come to the realization they have gone too far, in fact, way way way too far.

What Happens if this Ban Becomes the Law of the Land

It is irrefutable fact that as these smoking bans take place across the country, our rights as citizens of the USA are being violated and even decimated. I am not speaking of smoker’s rights or non-smokers rights. I am speaking of the rights of ALL American citizens. It is our greatest fault as Americans that we take our rights far too lightly. All too often we take the position that as long as it isn’t us that are being affected by specific legislation, why should we care. The reason we should care is such legislation often lays the groundwork for future legislation that may eventually affect us very much.

You may say today that it’s O.K. to ban smoking because you don’t smoke and you don’t really care one way or the other. That’s great! But, what happens when you find out that you have become the target of the “Fat Nazis”. Let’s say you weigh about 201, are 5’ 10”, look pretty trim and do work out. Well guess what---you are now among the many obese Americans. Not to worry though, Tom Cruise is also in your company. It will be pointed out that you no doubt have been victimized by the big food chains who virtually crammed Dunkin’ Donuts, Big Macs, Arby Curley Fries, and Taco Bell Tacos down your unwilling gullet. It wasn’t your fault that you got fat, it was theirs. They must be punished---so SUE them!!! They must correct their evil ways---so LEGISLATE them!!! They must makes acts of contrition---so SHAME them into funding such projects that the Fat Nazis feel will further their own agenda!!!

Are you all starting to get the point yet? I am not describing things that might happen tomorrow but rather things that are happening right now. The reason why they are happening is because the Fat Nazis are using the same tactics that the Smoke Nazis have been using for the past 30 to 40 years. Eventually, you will find your favorite Burger Emporium will be featuring tofu and/or veggie burgers in place of your favorite all beef (?) Double Decker Belly Buster. You may still be able to get the Belly Buster but probably at an inflated price. Your beloved French Fries will in all likelihood be baked or “Hot Air” roasted and then flavored with some “marvie” salt substitute. How about a nice chocolate shake---made with lo-fat milk, lo-fat ice cream or maybe even soy milk? Doesn’t that sound Yummy?

Now you may think I am trying to gild the lily, but these are already ideas that are being discussed. The bottom line for you the consumer is that the cost of eating out WILL go up, the quality and menu choices WILL go down, and you WILL be bombarded by pharmaceutical companies trying to sell you medical drugs that will help you to lose weight or control your appetite. If all this sounds vaguely familiar, simply apply all points listed here to what has already happened to tobacco. Now that you have done that start thinking how the agendas of the Smoke Nazis and the Fat Nazis might apply to the liquor industry, the beef industry, and even the automobile industry. Are things starting to get scary??? I hope so!!!

It is imperative that all Americans, Smokers and Non Smokers alike fight against these smoking bans. You must understand that by and large they are based on faulty or junk science; the organizations pushing them are being funded by major pharmaceutical companies whose primary interest is to push their own anti-smoking drugs; the bans themselves are ill-conceived, are in violation of free trade, violate basic property rights, and in all likelihood are absolutely unconstitutional.

Bob Halfpenny